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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Constitution, Civil Society and the Fight against Radicalism: The Experience of Indonesia and Austria (HAKI)

by: Asfa Widiyanto

The German scholar Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (b. 1930) is reported to have
said that “the free secular state lives on premises that it cannot itself guarantee”.
These premises include the morality, commitment to public order and the like. In
this train of thought, we may say that the constitution is in need of strong civil
society so as to maintain the well-being of the state. This article employs
documents, observation and interviews to highlight the experience of Indonesia
and Austria in minimizing radicalism. The first concern of this paper deals with
the interplays between constitution and civil society in eradicating radical
tendencies within Indonesian and Austrian society, most particularly within the
Muslim communities of these respective countries. The second concern of the
paper delves in which ways expressions of Islam in Indonesia and Austria
contribute to the making of peace in the respective societies. Islam is recognized
as religion in both countries. The notions of “European Islam” and “Indonesian
Islam” are believed to shape the current-state of eradicating radicalism in the
two countries.
Keywords : Constitution, civil society, radicalism, Indonesian Islam, European




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Traditional science and scientia sacra: origin and dimensions of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s concept of science (HAKI)

by: Asfa Widiyanto

Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and an exponent of traditional Islam, is considered one of the most important scholars of Islamic and religious studies in the world today. His conception of science is interesting in the sense that he strives to rejuvinate the notion of traditional science and scientia sacra (sacred knowledge), which lie in the heart of traditional civilization. He considers these two notions (traditional science and scientia sacra) as antithesis to modern science. Nasr’s elaboration of traditional science and scientia sacra serves as alternative to discourses of Islamization of science which are brought forward by some scholars. This paper tries to examine the core ideas of Nasr’s construct of science, to highlight their ontological, epistemological, and axiological basis, and to trace the root of Nasr’s conception of science in living Islamic philosophical tradition.

Keywords:  tradition, traditional science, scientia sacra, modern science, philosophical basis, Neo-Suhrawardian.

- PUBLISHED (telah terbit) in the international reputed journal: Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2017), p. 247-272. 
Indexed by Scopus.






-obtained the Certificate of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2017, number 084796.



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Monday, June 12, 2017

Tambahan Daftar Kegiatan Penelitian Dr. phil. Widiyanto, M.Ag., M.A.

1. Manaqib Writing in the Circle of the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya: A Study on Muhammad Siddiq al-Salihi’s Nayl al-Amani
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2015), p. 213-242   

ISSN: 2303 – 243X, E-ISSN: 2442-9031

2. Constitution, Civil Society and the Fight against Radicalism: The Experience of Indonesia and Austria
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, Vol. 1, no. 2 (2016), p. 139-159.
ISSN:  2502-5465, E-ISSN: 2443-3853

3. Rekontekstualisasi Pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr tentang Bangunan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pendidikan Islam
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, vol. 11, no. 2, (2017), p. 277-305

ISSN: 1978-3183, E-ISSN: 2356-2218

4.  Nation-building, Belonging and Multiculturalism: The Role of Indonesian Islamic Civil Society Organisations
The Fourth International Ibn Khaldun Symposium: Open Civilization: Encounters, Differences and Uncertainties, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 May 2017.

5. Traditional science and scientia sacra: origin and dimensions of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s concept of science
- PUBLISHED in the international reputed journal: Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2017), p 247-272.
Indexed by Scopus.



-obtained the Certificate of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2017, number 084796.



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SK Lektor Kepala atas nama Dr. phil. Widiyanto, M.Ag., M.A.

Berikut Surat Keputusan Lektor Kepala atas nama Dr. phil. Widiyanto, M.Ag., M.A.



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Friday, June 9, 2017

Nation-building, Belonging and Multiculturalism: The Role of Indonesian Islamic Civil Society Organisations

by Asfa Widiyanto

Paper presented at the The Fourth International Ibn Khaldun Symposium: Open Civilization: Encounters, Differences and Uncertainties, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 May 2017

This paper strives to reread and recontextualise the ideas of Ibn Khaldun on diversity, group feeling and political legitimacy, most specifically within the contemporary context of nation-state. Ibn Khaldun states that “a dynasty rarely establishes itself firmly in lands with many different tribes and groups”. A high level of diversity, in this sense, is regarded as a peril rather than a promise, most particularly to the stability of the state or dynasty.

Kymlicka (2001) points out that nation building is mostly based on dominant or majority ‘societal culture’. Kymlicka goes on to explain that there are at least three varied strategies which the minorities may take in terms of majority nation-building: (a) admitting the integration into the majority societal culture; (b) striving to establish their own societal culture and contesting to state nation-building; and (c) accepting the enduring marginalisationIt would be of interest to develop multiculturalism in such a situation. In my point of view, both state and civil society play a role in directing and nurturing multiculturalism in the country. It is of particular interest to investigate the role of Indonesian Islamic Civil Society Organisations in the dialectics among nation building, belonging and multiculturalism. Islamic Civil Society in Indonesia nowadays is represented most particularly by the Muhammadiyah (The Followers of the Prophet Muḥammad, which was founded in 1912) and the Nahdlatul Ulama (The Awakening of Religious Scholars, which was grounded in 1926). Indonesian Islamic Civil Society Organisations are distinct to those of some Muslim countries (most notably the Jamaat-i Islami in Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egpyt), in the sense that Indonesian Civil Society Organisations demonstrate their commitment to Indonesian nationalism and constitutional governance (Hefner 2013: 58). 

This paper seeks to unravel the following problems: (a) what societal cultures which contribute to the Indonesian nation-building; (b) how do the minority groups perceive their belonging to the nation and how do they respond to the Indonesian nation-building; and (c) what are the roles of mainstream Islamic civil society organisations in developing the nation-building and sustaining multiculturalism.






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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Keterangan Penambahan Nama ASFA WIDIYANTO

Catatan pinggir dalam Akta Kelahiran nomor: 2190/DIS./2003 tanggal 1 Juli 2003 menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan penetapan Pengadilan Negeri Batang nomor: 08/Pdt.P/2009/PN.Btg tanggal 30 Juni 2009, anak laki-laki bernama WIDIYANTO ditambah awalan ASFA menjadi ASFA WIDIYANTO. Dengan demikian, WIDIYANTO dan ASFA WIDIYANTO adalah orang yang sama.



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